The Old Winery

The Lawton Lions have changed the common use name for their complex at 646 N Nursery, Lawton.

While the official and legal name, Lawton Lions Heritage, Inc., remains unchanged and will persist, it has not resonated as appealing or descriptive to the wider public. Locally, it has been affectionately referred to as the ‘Old Winery’ owing to its historical roots dating back to 1903. During the 90s, when the Lions were revitalizing it, it was termed the “Old Winery Project.” Gradually, over time, the community began calling it the ‘Community Center’ due to its extensive use in that capacity, a title that the newer generation in Lawton adopted, unaware of its original identity.

Now, after three decades, the club wishes to embrace ‘The Old Winery’ as its preferred name. This honors its heritage as the state’s oldest winery building, recognized as a state and national historic site. A status granted based on its historical impact and its unique architectural structure.

This adjustment also helps dispel the misconception that it is owned by the village of Lawton and supported by local taxes. The Lawton Lions Club is the sole proprietor, and it operates independently, and is self-sustaining. Moreover, it contributes funds to the club, which are then channeled back into the community to support various projects and aid those in need. The Center itself continues to serve non-profits as well as the general public, a tradition it has upheld since its inception.